"Pretty Relaxing Denim
("Kireime Relax Denim")
with comfort and high quality
Beautiful surface,
and soft to touch when wearing
The feeling of softness and moderate stretchability to wear,
it's from the silhouette made by flexible super fine wool selected
Sense of high quality from the carefully selected MAF
The exclusive fabrics, MAF, was born from
the international project between New Zealand
Government and NIKKE.
It promises full sense of high quality by valuable
super fine wool.
Always comfortable with the natural functions of wool
Wool is said as a "natural air-conditioning".
The hygroscopic property is double of cotton,
7 times of acrylic, nearly 40 times of polyester.
Wool fiber is extremely high in hygroscopic ratio (20℃ 65%RH).
Wool has natural deodorizing effect.
So does cotton, but it's not in effect much for ammonia odor.
Wool effectively deodorizes both odors of ammonia and acetic acid.
Taking advantage of this feature, you can reduce laundry frequency.
Just like a spring, wool has restoring and elastic feature.
As the fiber is combined together with spiral chain molecules, it stretches by 30% and gets back to the original length when released.
Wool garments are resistant to deformation and easy to be back to the original shape just by hanging on hunger overnight.
Wool is sustainable natural fiber
Wool grows by 10cm per annum. It' required to be shorn by shearer to keep sheep's health as it's not regrown automatically.
Wool growers produce in the environmental-friendly way, shearing merino sheep once a year by mixing conventional methods and new technologies.
The soaking test of a garment (wool and polyester) in the sea water prove 85% wool of T-shirt biodegraded completely in 150 days, and 15% polyester filaments remained like a gauze.